Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Road trip 2010 with the Ex

Good day blog fans, I am back!

It seems that writing in my blog only happens when I am on holidays, hmmmm... only when time permits and what better time than on holidays...

As you can see by the title that I am on vacation with an ex-girlfriend (Bev), I have talked for some time about going on a driving holiday of our wonderful province and the opportunity arose that we could do this together. Bev is a good travel companion and is quite happy to go exploring on her own and does come looking for me a get my opinion when needed. It is quite different travelling with someone you were at one time intimate with. It brings back fond memories of times gone by and we are now developing a new and different set of memories under different circumstances. It is all good....

For all of those who want to know the baseball score, it is Zero to Zero.... no one on base and no one up to bat! :) Very uneventful game!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now I get it.......you guys explore on your own......sorry I posted my first comment under...."I'm Back"
Do not read this comment until you read my comment under "I'm Back"
Confused? ;)