Monday, March 15, 2010

Gussie, you did it your way...

Our little Gussie went to doggie heaven Friday March 12, 2010, and she went out her way. When the vet went to give her the final injection, she growled and snapped at her so unfortunately we had to muzzle her. When she had taken her final breath and the muzzle was removed Gussie still got the final word, she growled, just to let us know that even in death she was the boss.

It is so sad when an animal has to pass into the next life. They love us unconditionally and Gussie was no different. In her final two years she developed cushing disease and 6 months after that was diagnosed, she had diabetes. We gave her two insulin shots a day for the past year and she was not a happy camper with those injections. Even with getting treats after each shot, she was not pleased, she turned into "Cujo" or "Tazmanian Devil" and there were a few times when she broke skin when her jaws would clamp down on your hand or finger. Mom and I have the everlasting scars where Gussie showed her displeasure.

She was still my little baby, I called her "poppy" (my version of puppy), a little endearment between her and I. She slept with me every nite, she would get her little bed time treat, play for a few minutes (a game of "where's your feet") where she would allow me to touch her paws, she would growl and playfully try to tear my hand off, you had to be there. She was a gentle little dog when she wanted to be and again on her terms, very cuddly and loving. She will be missed...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This must have been hard to write. You made me almost cry -- and you made me laugh -- sounds like Gussie, doesn't it? Nice pic! (V + J)