Sunday, September 20, 2009

Row, row, row your boat

This is fantastic, north to Alaksa, who would have thought. Leaving Vancouver yesterday was the coollest thing ever... pulling out of Canada place, seeing the city skyline from a different view, the sun was out, the black stormy clouds over the moutains, the fresh breeze blowing through every pore of your person, coming up on the Lions Gate bridge and wondering, as others before us, if we will make it under , ohhhhhh so close, waving to all the folks standing on the shoreline in Stanley Park, all of whom were wishing they too were taking a cruise, I too have stood and watched cruise ships leave Vancouver and wanted to to away. Well my turn finally came, and I wish everybody could experience what a thrill it was.

As I write this, we are cruising at 14 knots and we are just south of the Queen Charlotte islands, it is raining, (yeah what else is new). All the crew members are sick of the rain and are anticipating their repositioning time which comes after they drop us off, the ship is heading to LA and then to Mexico for the winter. (sigh)!!!!!!

Yesterday was spent wandering around the ship and getting acquainted with where everything is. Big, big, big boat, have only been lost twice!!!!!! We had lunch and dinner in the casual dining area, Horizon's, and tonight we will have dinner in the real dining room, we are the second seating @ 8. I had a lousy sleep last night as one of my room mates needs to learn to leave their cell phone at home and actually vacation.... talking on your cell phone till after midnite is not a good thing, I already have issues with sleep and having someone talking till that time was just a little annoying to say the least, amongst other things, she is also an inconsiderate smoker... don't need to say more.

I had a swedish massage and my body is so very happy now, my back was aching this morning and now it feels much better. I also had a pedicure but unfortunately she nicked the cuticle on the big toe, left foot, and it is a little sore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like something we should all experience at least once in our lifetime.....I'll bet you could get lost on the looked gi-normous in the pics!
Continue to have fun...and behave yourself ;)