Thursday, February 19, 2009

It´s already Thursday

Good morning,

I was juct looking at the time and realized that most of you just started work or you are in process of just starting.

The day starts relatively early here, you must get up and out early so that you can get a ´prime´ location to put your chair or even save a space, people get up awfully early to save ´their´spot and if they don´t get it, well picture grown adults having a sulk, awwwwwww!!!! The only thing I search for is shade, yesterday I sat in the sun for a very short period of time and the sun found the only spot on my body I had not put sunscreen, well needless to say, my neck looks a little like a lobster bake, not today though, I showered in sunscreen, oh yah, I look like I have been to Mexico not like some others than have been away recently and who came back looking like they spent a week or two in their room, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....

Diana and I have spent the last couple of days by the pool, goes without saying, where else would we be..... and we play this little game, guess what they do, where are they from and then we give them a handle by which we know them... we have the children (Christine, Dean and Emily), the chicklits ( 2 moms and a daughter, I think) charlies angels ( let your mind wander) and Kingston pen matron and her staff (miserable looking crew and I don´t want to tangle with them or meet in a dark alley) you would think that here you are in paradise, you could actually crack a smile and look happy, NOT!!!!!!! and the girls ( ´family´couple) who I think are on their honeymoon, as we never see them again..... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

Well folks, I am gonna sign off, head down to the pool and read another two chapters of my book and get more information to right about, possible tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

You other's away lately and looking like they spent 2 weeks in their room..... ;>)
at least they could have spent some time in a tanning salon!
Can't you just leave your chair at poolside? re: sulking adults
What's up with that?.......obviously they've never been to Merritt!

Anonymous said...

Hi Marilyn,
I'm so glad that when you come back you will actually have a tan that explains where you have been for a week. Have fun relaxing by the pool and will talk again real soon.


Anonymous said...

Soon you will be home in Sunny Surrey and we can show you our tans.
(except I hear it is going to rain tomorrow and you will never believe how nice it's been here) Enjoy the rest of your holiday as your fans are waiting to see you.