Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Live from Mexico

Ola Amiga´s and Amigo´s,

I can tell the anticipation is enormous, you have all been waiting for me to write in my blog about Mexico. Firstly, it wasn´t easy getting into my blog because everything on this computer is in Spanish, however, I have picked up a little understanding of the language over the past three days and have been able to get around a little easier.

The area of Manzanillo is fabulous, so different that Puerto Vallarta, all the tourists in our resort are from Canada except 1 couple for the states. The staff are really accommodating, treat you very well and look after our every need very quickly. The food is nothing special but it changes every nite so you have something to look forward to. Last night they had a dinner show called Decades, it was a musical which took us from the 1920´s all the way up the the present. It was good for a bunch of amateurs.

Yo Tim, tell Jerry we are having a great time with his daughter, Christine, Dean and his little granddaughter Emily, who has stolen everyones heart with her love of dancing. We call Christine, Dean and Emily ¨the kids¨ so when I refer to them in my blog that is who I am talking about.

We have been on a city tour which took us into downtown Manzanillo for a little sightseeing and a little shopping at a little market and then they took us for a wee drive around the area and we ended at a flea market where we could barter our money away, which we did gladly. We also made a trip to Walmart on Monday with the kids, we had a blast taking a cab to and from, that in itself is a story, bought a couple things that we forgot there and had the whole Walmart in Meixco experience. I believe I do have a picture.

Today is Wednesday and time is moving far too quickly. Today will be spent be the pool with a little reading, a lot of looking around and just relaxing, maybe a siesta later, hmmmmmm, had one yesterday felt good.....

Tell Mom I said HI and give Gussie a hug... will write again soon, Marilyn


Anonymous said...

Hi Marilyn,
Glad to see your back on your blog....I checked good to see you back.......Sounds like a nice resort.....I'm glad your having fun...because I'm NOT! :0( Actually things are staying under control...but the week's not over.....yet Hope your relaxing and taking it all in....Post some pics if you can...Have one of those drinks with the "little umbrellas" for me
Talk soon

Anonymous said...

Hi Marilyn,
I'm glad your having a great time at the resort.It sure sounds like a nice place to visit.Enjoy the rest of your vacation!!!

Take care,