Sunday, May 11, 2008


I haven't shared how I really feel about Sasha having Cancer... she is such a lovely little creature and to all that know her will agree with me, we are all better to have known her. Now that sounds like she has passed away, she hasn't, at this moment she is sitting in my chair, looking out the window and waiting for the next creature to walk by so that she can have a chat with them. She has given me so much unconditional love, that I am going to have a hard time adjusting to not having her around. There are some days she is a nuisance, she is needy but through it all and no matter how frustrated I get with her, she still loves me unconditionally.

How is it that God gives us little creatures to love us unconditionally and yet it is so hard for us to love each other the same way. I would love to able to love another human being unconditionally, can you imagine what that would be like, no stress, no pressure, no expectations, just turn to that special someone and all they want from you is a hug, they don't see your faults, you are just the perfect person in there eyes, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

Back to Sasha, I am heartbroken to think she will die soon, she has more bad days than good. I have shed buckets of tears over losing her, already... I know that Mom is having a hard time with it, every day we see the progress of the tumor and see her slowly aging in front of us. She is such a special little dog... it has been amazing how she can fill a void in our lives by just being...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing . . . and for posting a picture of lovely Sasha. I read this late last night, Mother's Day, and yes, it brought tears to my eyes, you mother you. (V)

Anonymous said...

I believe that creatures and people enter our lives and teach us lessons that we need to learn. Sometimes they depart before we do; and I also believe that we are better people for having had this time with these special creatures and or people. It is all a mystery, but we sure are lucky to have had the honor to spend time with them, after all they could have picked someone else to do that with. (JJ)

Me said...

Dogs and cats are like dreams, you can have good ones and you can have bad ones, the bad ones keep us up and make us restless at night, the good ones keep us warm and happy and we never want to let them go. Think of Sasha as a good dream that has lasted a really long time Mare, she is a special kind of dog that would be hard to replace anywhere. And she also somehow looks like your mom :)

Anonymous said...

hhhmmmmmm....I agree with all that is written!!D

Anonymous said...

P.S. I also agree with all that is written......