Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I'm back...

Today was a great day, to start the day a continental breakfast (which translates into sort of healthy) Bev went exploring Wells and I finally got on the computer (guessed you figured that out by now too). I dropped Bev off at Barkerville at noon, sent her off with a tuna/cream cheese bagel for lunch and the rest of the afternoon was mine! Wow, time to explore... I took the turn off for the Bowron Lakes and off I went on an adventure. It was a great day for a drive into the wilderness until I realized I didn't tell anybody where I was going, not such a great idea except I had in my car, two bagels, cream cheese, three cans of tuna, water and a blanket, I could survive a day or two if something happen so I continue. I went to the beginning of the Bowron Lake chain and then a little further. I cannot believe how many recreational lots are available in the middle of nowhere. I am sure for a few thousand dollars you can own a piece of property with no power, no running water and only 2 hours from the grocery store, I could do that with some preparation... ok a lot of preparation...anyway I returned to Wells save and sound, blogged for a couple of hours and remember to go retrieve Bev. I did spend a little more time in Barkerville, got some pictures, yes Joan, Barkerville does exist, did a very spontaneous thing and dressed as a mean old miserable trapper and had my picture taken, something Mom can put on the mantle and be proud of her outlaw daughter.

Bev is sitting in the parlour reading her British newspaper, sipping on a cup of tea and I think I am going to finish the blog for the day. Tomorrow we are off again travelling to Golden... will write again tomorrow....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Marilyn,
Thanks for the tip to Rick about writing in your blog!...forgotten about it.....Sounds like you having a great time?!...but it seems apparent ...that the 2 of you are doing your own thing?!...your not exploring places together?...I know when Bev likes to shop...you high tail it out of there....but exploring bowron lakes on your own...that definitely needs to be shared! I like your comment to Joan: yes , there is a "Barkerville"...sort of like ...yes, Virginia ..there is a Santa claus ...don't ask how I got that comparison....my brain works in mysterious ways! hope the weather is holding up....continue to have a good time...drive safely!
Will continue to keep tabs on you........