Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everybody!!!!!!

I started writing this morning wondering which direction my thoughts would take me, initially I was travelling down memory lane thinking about what has transpired for me over the past year and the decade. Wow, lots of life changing events have taken place and it is amazing where I was 10 years ago and where I am today.

The past decade has been a roller coaster ride (I hate roller coasters), the passing of my Dad was huge as you really don't think about losing a parent and when they die it is unexpected and the sadness is profound. Another huge change, I changed postal codes, yet again, and moved in with my Mom. I arrived the night my Dad passed away and have been with her ever since. Mom had not been alone in over 50 years and she wasn't looking forward to living alone in a big house. It has definitely been a huge struggle for me as I have a tendency to be a loner and really value my alone time and peace and quiet. I find, at times, that I am compromising who I am. It is difficult to stay grounded and to be true to self when you spend a great deal of time looking after an aging person and you seem them aging before your eyes and there is nothing you can do to stop that process. There is sadness in watching the process and at time, humour. I have a wonderful couple in my life who are encouraging, supportive, loving and best attribute of all, they know how to listen...

On a lighter note, the week before my Dad died I had my 50th birthday. It was celebrated with friends, who tried to surprise me, and family, who also tried the surprise route, neither worked... unfortunately surprise 50th birthday parties are expected...

In the early part of the decade, a relationship ended, it wasn't a pleasant experience, it was the first time that I fell in love, lived with somebody, experienced the highs and lows of a relationship and have it end on a sour note. I took some time to heal from that experience and fell in love again. I met a wonderful gal and I had another wonderful relationship ride. It was the best experience to date, we had a lot of fun, we laughed lots, we travelled, we did stuff that I will remember forever, sadly it too ended... happily we still get together and share what's happening in our live's and always enjoy going out to eat.

I look forward to the new year... and again wish all the folks who read this health, happiness and prosperity for the coming year... remember folks, you only go around once, make the best of it....


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your example of honesty in writing--brought tears to my eyes a couple of times. Keep writing, my friend, and singing! (V)

Anonymous said...

Wow glad to see that I'm not the only one that has taken a look back at the last 10 years.....well my friend, we have both come a long way, the relationships, the travelling, the laughs, the tears etc., but you are a better person because of it....and I so thankful that you were apart of my life these last 10 years....I couldn't imagine not haveing you be apart of it. So now let's get out the "bucket list" and see what we can accomplish these next 10's all right there just reach out and touch it....and it's all good! xoxoxoxoD

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your "reflections"..past and present....some of which you shared with me bee 4....Life can be a bed of roses...but which out for those pricks.......All the best always ;)