Friday, April 11, 2008

Burnt body parts

How many times has your Mom told you, if you go out in the sun you had better put on sunscreen and for cryin out loud put on a hat... and how many times did you listen to that advice... today was one of those times I didn't, whew, go look in your refrigerator or on your counter for a tomato... now you get the idea, there are places you are unable to reach when applying sunscreen and the sun discovered those places...

Today was the first day Joan was at her course so I was left on my own to create my own trouble... so I went shopping. I could have laid money (a sure bet) that I, who hates shopping, would never cross the threshold of a store 3 days running. But(never start a sentence with that word) I promised a fellow La Mesian (cool work eh V) that I would pick him up something from Tucson, so off I go the my favourite store in the world - Walmart... I found Terry a hat but I am having difficulties finding a pin, so let me ask all you avid blogger readers, where would I find a pin? When Joan and I were exploring Tucson the other day, we stopped at a Japanese restaurant for dinner (fabulous rolls) and in the little strip mall was a little grocery called Sunflower and that is where I discovered TRAIL MIX... everynite while I am writing to you, I munch on this trail mix, well... last nite I ran out so today I had to go and find the grocery store again and buy some more mix, picture this - scotch in one hand, trail mix in the other, hmmmmmm... doesn't sound very good does it, okay your right so tonight it is strictly scotch - what was left in the mickey wasn't much, I have less than a whisper of scotch with a glass full of ice... that's all folks, we are back on the wagon...

So my day without J consisted of shopping, swimming, sun tanning, eating, reading and a whole lot of resting. I am looking forward to tomorrow so that I can do more of the same...
I am signing off for today... to all a good evening, tata, Marilyn


Anonymous said...

Gotta love that trail mix.......I hear dropping some raisins in scotch ...makes it more potent ;)

Anonymous said...

Your still on holidays...just buy another Mickey of Scotch...and get some pretzels!!! D