Saturday, August 28, 2010

And another hot springs

You know your on holidays have already spent several hours in two different hot springs in two different provinces in two different national parks. It was a short driving day today, only an hour or so, we quickly found a very comfortable motel at a reasonable rate (that's really important) and settled in. Of course, Bev had to go shopping (has anyone been to Radium Hot Springs) I don't believe there are any more than a couple of actual shops on the "strip", a day without some sort of shopping is like a day without sunshine, that, I believe, is a shoppers motto.

I can really feel the difference in being tired from driving and tired from hot springs. It is a nice relaxing feeling that over takes the body after relaxing in the hot springs. Today I went between the regular (cold) pool and the hot pool. It certainly makes the circulation in your body work... as well as your heart...

Tonight as I type in my blog I am going to reflect on something which is important to me. As you all know I now spend a good portion of my day dealing with the public and I have made the comment, "the more poeple I meet the more I like my dog". People are just rude, sometimes for no obvious reason. Over the past few days another issue stands out and is rather disturbing, the lack of manners. I am amazed on how many people do not say please or thank you and have the most disgusting table manners. When I was growing up we were taught to say please and thank you and that putting your elbows on the table might get you a very nasty look or comment. If you need to put your head in your hand and then put your elbow on the table to prop your head up, go to bed! I'm sorry folks but some things just piss me off and that is one of them, you might call it a pet peeve...some people might say I have a lot of those. I'm getting old and I am allowed to pontivicate. (sorry I am not the pope).

And now the lighter side...Bev and I are having a very domestic evening, I am writing in my blog and she is reading the newspaper, Calgary Herald and we are listening to Simon and Gurfunkel...this is just too domestic, we didn't even do this stuff when we were together. It's amazing what a little road trip will do...and we are still talking to each other, who woulda thonk!

Going to sign off for the evening, Bev looking a little too involved in her newspaper, time to start harassing her.... have a great nite all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy reading your's interesting to read about one's adventures while on holidays..while the other person is pondering taking sometime off work and getting guilt trips about know.......I'm glad your making the most out of your trip...sounds like your seeing and doing everything you had planned on... Continue on!