Sunday, December 27, 2009

Another Christmas come and gone

Christmas 2009 was a lot better than Christmas 2008, it was green and driving was easy. Did not have to shovel 3 feet of snow, just sat back, and looked at the frost on the trees and grass and told self, it is a white Christmas (just use your imagination please).

The weeks preceding the big day were busy but not hectic, got a little visiting in with friends and extended family and have felt a little more of the seasonal spirit than years gone past. The Christmas season has not been kind to me, some years have been fabulous, others not so much. Christmas time takes me back to the ugly years, when too much alcohol was consumed and some thoughtless words were spoken (never heard an apology) amongst family members and directed at family members. I don't like this time of year... too much water under this bridge... I would be very happy to spend the holiday season somewhere warm where all you have to think about is absolutely nothing...

Okay, now that whoever reads this is depressed... never fear cause it can only get better. I bought myself a new 32" Sony Bravia TV from Future Shop at a Boxing Day sale and I never entered a store, shopping online can be dangerous, it's easy. convenient and financially painless till you get the bill ( 30 days later). I live in my bedroom, I don't like what Mom watches on TV so I am going to set myself up comfortably in my room. TV, Lazy Boy chair (some day) and maybe a few other cushie things that I haven't yet thought of! Any ideas?

I will sign off for now, have the rest of the week off, will try and remember to post more, heh, maybe this could be a New Years resolution, to post more, hmmmmm...


Anonymous said...

2010 is my commin' along for the ride! Hold on! It can only get better....rose colored glasses and the glass half full attitude work for me! Happy New Year to you my friend! xoxoxoD

Anonymous said...

I like that resolution of yours -- V.