Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Circle of Life

A profound statement on this day of remembrance. We see life all around us and we also see the circle of life. In early May I planted sunflower seeds and towards the end of the month they started to push through the dirt, within a few days of losing Sasha, the seeds were growing , the circle of life. Just a week ago I had to cut down my sunflowers as there time on this earth had come to an end. They had given many persons food for thought as they watched them grow, some wondering what they were and yet others, wanting to know how tall they would grow. After chopping them down I realized that another ending had occurred, Sasha's sunflowers were gone but the memories live on. The circle of life had again taken place.

I realize that everything has a beginning and an ending, but it is what happens in between that really matters. What have I done to enhance someone's life? Who has affected my life to be who I am today. From the beginning, birth, until today, is this the path that I was created for? I will never know, for this is who I am. Every event in my life, good or bad, has affected who I am. Profound, maybe, but what I find amazing is that every single person who has come into my life, has left a little of themselves behind and it is up to me to use the knowledge that they have imparted wisely for this has made me who I am. In end, will it matter, probably, at least I hope I will remember who I am....

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