Friday, April 11, 2008

Walking @ 7AM

Going out for a walk in the morning in Tucson can bring out the most interesting sites and scenes, can you imagine seeing these police cars outside a bagel shop, it doesn't seem to fit, retro style cars outside a contemporary cafe, hmmmmm... that summarizes Tucson contemporary retro. The highways and biways have been planned very well, not like the lower mainland, all of there major routes are at least 3 lanes each way, the traffic moves smoothly all day, rush hour it is a little slower but it still moves.

Joan is off to her course this morning, being picked up by Dorsett (she called late last nite), J went for a walk, took more pictures, brought back a real cup of coffee and a bagel, who could ask for more.

I forgot to add one more exciting (NOT) thing that happened yesterday, if any of you don't know this fact about me, I do not do well in closed spaces...are you ready... we got stuck in the elevator yesterday morning... how do spell controlled panic... the alarm bell didn't work, there appeared to be no way to contact help sooooooo... I pounded on the elevator door so hard I bet they could hear it in Phoenix...I estimate we were in there for at least 5 - 10 minutes before they found us and probably another 10 minutes before we were out of the elevator. I was and am proud of myself, I did not have a meltdown till after the fact... I am still recuperating from that experience, we are on the sixth floor so walking up and down the stairs is possible but do probable, so, you get back on the elevator, face your fears and get over it....

I am off to shower and start my day... tata till later, M.


Anonymous said...

Oh my g! The elevator business. I am so impressed you got in again. I'll remember that when I'm in a panic someday. And hey, the creativity . . . almost thought I was in the wrong blog . . . but just for a moment. (V)

Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you being able to control yourself in the elevator....good for you....but i bet it was easy knowing you had the scotch in your room...hhahahahahahah D

Anonymous said...

Wow.....what a way to start the morning??!! Anybody would have panicked in that situation.....Good for you ...for not panicking and having a clear head...( least in the morning)

Anonymous said...

TG....left the above case you were wondering....