Monday, April 14, 2008

Back to Reality

I would like to thank Tim for giving me an idea for a new blog... like a reality show thing... again thanks Tim and thanks to all of you for reading this and giving me an opportunity to communicate thru the internet the experiences Joan and I had in Tucson.

As with the rest of our trip today was no different... it all started with no sleep and from there it should have only gotten better, well it did for a while, coffee from Starbucks, and then they (we all know about the infamous "they") changed our gate, fine! We meander down to gate 12 from 25 doesn't sound far does it, well.... go out to the airport and see how far the gates are apart, planes are big, there parking spots aren't small like at the shopping malls... okay, I digress....we arrive at our new gate along 300 - 400 other people milling about all waiting for their respective planes to depart. No one told us we had to get our boarding passes stamped by the nice lady at the counter, so we do... an announcement is made that our plane will be boarding shortly, fine... we are all getting ourselves mentally, emotionally. spiritually and psychologicley (sp) prepared (not all of us - probably only me) to board the plane and then..... another announcement, we are waiting for el Capitan to do a security check before we board, but el capitan is reportedly on his way and will be here shortly...another announcement, el capitan hasn't arrived yet, but is on his way (I wonder where he was, Starbucks I bet having an americano), okay el capitan arrives, we board the plane and then... you guessed it, another delay, the caterers haven't brought the food on board (my ticket says no meal, so who is being fed, I know... el capitan) okay, food arrives and flight attendants are hustling about doing what flight attendants do and then, el capitan announces that our plane will be arriving in Vancouver early, cool.... getting home early....and then... the unimagineable happens...can you guess what happens next..... mmmmmmmm...another announcement... somebody doesn't want to fly today sooooooooo.... they have to retrieve there lugguge from in the cargo hold... think about it, looking for one bag in amongst a lot of bags... remember el capitan saying early into Vancouver, change of plans, NOW we are going to be late....(15 minutes)...

We arrive back home, life has gone back to normal, my Mom survived, Sasha is fine and a great big thanks goes out to V for all you've done to help make my holiday stress free... thank you to Joan for thinking of me to travel with, and for the many memories I will cherish of our time in Arizona.... THANK YOU.... !!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Leaving on a jet plane was sad today and even sadder leaving the heat behind. It is darn chilly here. It was fun exploring the desert with our water bottles and cameras and stay away from things that bit you out there. Thanks for being my travel buddy and driver.....cuz you know the way!!

Anonymous said...

Love the "el capitan" thing here!And thank you for a great blog. I've loved it, think maybe you should think about writing more . . . (v)

Anonymous said...

You definitely have this "blog" thing down pat.....Glad you had a great trip.....the idea of having a blog was a great idea......I may just "steal" this idea...the next time I go on a trip....but hey....I don't have a laptop.......or a holiday plan?!
How about a old fashioned postcard?
That works........